The Gambia

Life in Europe: the reality for Gambian irregular migrants

Life in Europe: the reality for Gambian irregular migrants

Many Gambian migrants are heading to Europe hoping to find freedom and employment there. What is life actually like for Gambian migrants in Europe, especially for those who arrived irregularly?

Many legal immigrants have successfully earned a safe and comfortable life in European countries. On the other hand, migrants arriving irregularly may end up being detained and deported, as they have no legal authorisation to stay. For others, life is tough as they struggle to make a living.

We thought life in Europe is better than in Africa, but here it is very hard.A Gambian migrant in Italy said.

Here, you will find all the key information one should know before taking the risky backway  journey to Europe.

Living as an asylum seeker in Europe

Once they land in Europe, some Gambians who took the backway try to apply for asylum to get legal status as a refugee. This status would grant them protection and the right to stay in their destination country. However, one should be aware that asylum is only offered to people who can prove they are fleeing war or direct persecution.

This means that Gambian irregular migrants who arrive in Europe will likely not be able to gain the right to stay through the asylum system.

Those who do not receive asylum and have no other legal authorisation to stay must return home. Like all other migrants who have arrived irregularly in Europe, asylum seekers are normally not allowed to work while they wait for a decision on their application. Hence they have to provide for their needs themselves.

Can Gambian irregular migrants find jobs in Europe?

Finding a job in Europe is very different to finding a job in The Gambia. Contrary to what one may expect, the unemployment rate is high in some European countries, particularly for young people. Italy, Greece and other countries have similar unemployment rates to The Gambia. Many European citizens struggle to find jobs.

It is significantly harder for migrants to find a job, all the more so when they don’t speak the local language. Often, Gambian migrants do not have the necessary skills to access jobs in Europe. The types of jobs available there are very different and require different skills. Qualifications from The Gambia may not be recognised by employers in Europe.

Like all other migrants, Gambian migrants need a visa to get a work contract. The employment market is much more formal in European countries and everyone must have official papers such as passports and transcripts in order to find a job. Migrants without legal papers cannot get a job and governments do not offer any support to those who arrived via the backway.

There are special law enforcement agencies, called labour inspectorates, whose job it is to identify illegal workers. Those who work illegally risk getting arrested. Some employers who hire irregular migrants know this and may threaten them with deportation in order to gain control.

Speaking the language is key

There are language barriers for many migrants who reach Europe. The ability to speak and write the language of the destination country is fundamental to being able to operate independently and access work.

A basic knowledge of English, for example, usually does not guarantee work. Reading and writing a language is necessary in order to find a job in most European countries. Getting to the necessary standard can take a long time.

The cost of living in Europe as a migrant

The daily costs in Europe, such as accommodation, transport and food, are very high compared to The Gambia. In many European countries like the United Kingdom, an average family spends around 700 US dollars per week to live.

Since the cost of living in Europe is high, life gets very difficult with no income. For irregular migrants and other migrants who cannot find a job, life can become a daily challenge. Without a job it is almost impossible to access housing, to buy enough food or save money. That is why many irregular migrants are at risk of being homeless and living on the streets.

Rather than supporting their families, irregular Gambian migrants in Europe may then have to ask for more money in order to survive.

An example: living in Italy as an irregular migrant

There has been a growing anti-immigrant sentiment among Italy’s population and political parties over the last years, fueled by unemployment. In February 2018 an Italian man shot six African migrants in what has been described as a racially motivated attack.

There is no housing available for irregular migrants in Italy. As a consequence, many have to live in shacks and tents in camps which are not safe and very cold in the winter. In January 2018 a migrant camp caught on fire and was destroyed. One migrant died and others were injured and lost all their possessions.

Life in Italy can be very difficult for African migrants. Years after arriving, some Gambian migrants cannot afford much food, let alone rent. Even the Gambian migrants who could obtain a residence permit often remain unemployed. In a migrant complex in northern Italy for example, 90% of the residents are unemployed. One African migrant said that he had been in Italy since 2011 but had never been able to find a job. He survives by taking food from the garbage.

Life in Europe for Gambian irregular migrants in a nutshell

  • Asylum is only granted if one can prove they are fleeing war or direct persecution
  • Irregular migrants are not allowed to work in Europe
  • Finding a job as a Gambian is challenging, as unemployment rate is high in many countries and qualifications differ from The Gambia
  • Speaking the local language is necessary for most work opportunities
  • The cost of living is significantly higher in European countries than in The Gambia
  • Governments do not offer support to irregular migrants
  • One may not find an accomodation if one does not have a work contract
  • Living in Italy has become increasingly harsh for migrants

Read about the legal avenues and other opportunities for Gambians here.

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