Awareness Raising Day on the Migrant Project in Niamey

The Migrant Project in Niger, in partnership with the NGO Aide à l’Information Communautaire (AIC), organised on 18 November an awareness raising day on the dangers of irregular migration. The event was held in the Koira Kano district of Niamey, as part of the Migrant Project’s information campaign launched in September.

About 100 people attended the event, of which nearly 80 migrants, some of them Nigeriens, others coming from other countries of the region and currently in transit in Niger.

“The aim of this activity is to raise the awareness of migrants who have been denied entry or are in transit in Niger to the dangers of irregular or clandestine migration,” said Abubakhr-Yasser Moussa, coordinator of the Migrant Project in Niger. He also recalled the growth of migratory flows, as well as the issues and challenges that are linked to them.

“Migrants leave their countries of origin because of financial insecurity or for safety reasons. They refuse their traditional way of life for the dream of a better future abroad despite the risks, uncertainty and abuse they face during their migration journey, “said Moussa.

The Migrant Project initiated this campaign because of the lack of reliable and up-to-date information available to potential migrants and those on the road. Research conducted by the Migrant Project shows that, for many, the decision to take the path of irregular migration is based on rumours and false information, often conveyed by smugglers.

The goal of the campaign is therefore to alert migrants to the real risks they are exposed to during the journey, as well as to the often harsh living conditions in the countries of transit and host countries. The campaign also provides information on the conditions to be fulfilled for a legal migration.

Souley Mallam Moussa Madani, Project Migrant adviser, presented to the audience some alternatives such as scholarships and vocational training opportunities that are available to migrants with the support of various international organisations. “These are legal and safe alternatives that can protect the migrant from many upsets,” said Madani.

A few migrants then took the floor to share their experiences. The event concluded in a relaxed atmosphere, animated by the performance of a migrant, an Eritrean artist who delighted the audience with traditional music from his country.

TMP – 10/12/2018