Ethiopia, Sudan to deploy joint border force to combat irregular migration and terrorism

Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to form a combined military force to fight human trafficking and terrorism along their joint borders. The two sides have also agreed to consolidate a plan to step up coordination in the fight against terrorism, irregular migration and human trafficking.

It is one of several arrangements in the region aimed at tackling mixed migration, refugee flows and cross-border crimes.

According to a statement released after a meeting of the Joint Sudanese-Ethiopian Military Commission in Khartoum, both countries will withdraw their troops from the border and replace them with joint forces before next December.

“The relations between the two countries are eternal, and the relations between the armies are historical,” said the Sudan Armed Forces’ chief of staff General Kamal Abdel-Maarouf, adding that the two sides held technical meetings at the highest levels to settle the tensions on the common borders.

He said the joint force would be tasked with fighting terrorism, preventing rebel groups from crossing the border and tackling irregular migration and human trafficking.

General Seare Mekonnen, chief of staff of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces, said the new agreement would support the two countries in combatting security threats and preventing cross-border crimes together.

“These troops will bolster border security and help stabilise the entire region,” he added.

Sudan has similar border security arrangements with other neighbours. Last June, the country signed a framework agreement with Libya, Chad and Niger in N’Djamena to control and monitor common borders through joint patrols on the borders, exchanging information, establishing a center for joint operations and implementing development projects along the joint borders.

TMP – 21/08/2018

Photo caption: Ethiopia-Sudan crossed flag pins. Photo Credit: