Providing Important Facts About Irregular Migration
If you are thinking about migrating or if you are already en route, The Migrant Project can offer you free, reliable and important information. We can tell you what the risks are before you start your journey, and what life is really like in common destination countries. We can also help you learn about legal migration options, training or business opportunities closer to home.
Reliable and trustworthy information on migration is very difficult to find. The media, smugglers, and even people from your community who have already migrated can give a false impression of the journey and life in a new country. Smugglers will lie to make a profit. And what was true for a migrants before may be out of date today – laws in destination countries change, and routes can become more dangerous.
Our local counsellors can provide you with facts and reliable information if you are considering migration or already on the move. This includes talking in person or over the phone, where our staff can answer your questions. These conversations are always confidential. We also offer information online through our Facebook page. Or look out for our local events in your community before making any final decisions about migration.