Returnees begin a new life in Edo State, Nigeria
Returned migrants from Libya and Mali, who are originally from Edo State, are gradually beginning a new life back at home thanks to local livelihood and reintegration initiatives.
The State Government, in partnership with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), has opened a pineapple factory, where some of these returnees are now employed.
A returnee from Libya, named Rescue, said: “I am glad to return home and start my life again in Nigeria after all the troubles I went through in Libya in search of greener pastures. The pain and experience I went through trying to cross over to Italy were unbearable. […] I had better stay and invest in my country than risk my life in the hands of smugglers.”
TMP_ 28/09/2020
Image Credit: TMP/ Sunday Ani
Image Caption: Returnees at one of the reintegration workshops sponsored by IOM in Lagos.
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